Monday 7 April 2008


This is the response blog for Mr. X's militant and provocative site. Here is a chance for those offended by him to add their posts. It is in no way endorsed by Mr. X.

If anyone wishes to become a writer, send your e.mail address to:


pilgrim said...


I understand your frustration. But, there is no strength in duplicating the deeds of those who have not tasted the fruits of the spiritual life, for they use it only as a weapon to further their goal. I mean no malice, nor do I mean to tell you what to do, for you have to do what you think He has led you to do. But I only want to give you a word, for I've done the exactly the same thing in the past, and it reaped nothing good; no fruits.

I appreciate your standing on Christ, and can only pray with you and hope with you. Let us build up one another in exhortation and peace, my friend, and continue to present the good news of our risen Lord without spot and blemish, even as He is and as we are to be. Truly, the day is coming when the sons of God will be revealed, and until then, creation groans in tune with us who groan, longing to be clothed with the promise of resurrection.

Grace and peace, my brother...

Anonymous said...

I do think it's a bit sad that you're trying to attack my attack. But it's interesting. I've put a link up, anyhow.

GCT said...

I appreciate you standing on Christ as well...just be careful around Easter, because I hear that he rises up from the dead and become Zombie Jesus!

Simon Mapleback said...

Thanks for the invite, but even for arguments sake, I can't say I even thought about hating Mr. X - he has a right to his views.

I do love discussing these topics, but it doesn't really seem to be effective in blog form.

I might drop in to see how things are going, but if people take things too far like what occured in the blog on 'The Devil' on Mr. X's page, it just destroys what you set out to do, have reasonable adult discussions.

Thanks again, if you do want any input you have my email, just let me know. I'll be around.

Beloved Tree said...

Mr. Y,

I know too well the temptation to respond to the world in kind. To do so, however, is nothing but a taint to our witness. The Jews expected the Messiah to come with great political and military glory to remove the Roman scourge from their land, but Jesus' quiet campaign for the souls of the nation left them baffled and unbelieving. The world's tactics are not to be our tactics. The world's aims are not to be our aims. We are called to be able to give an answer for our faith when one is required, but that should be in a manner that constrasts violently with that of the unbeliever, in the gentle, humble, loving spirit of Christ.

Solaris Roscita said...

WTF? Get a move on, this blog needs posts, and quick!

Mr. Y said...

Happy now?

Solaris Roscita said...

Not really Mr. Y. Mr. X may not be the most thorough protagonist around but this site still really pales in comparison to his.

Anonymous said...

Having trouble finding writters, I see.

Probably because of the fundamental differences between your two sites. Example: photo of "Christians" is people smiling; photo of "Atheists" is of cruel tyrants.

I think you have much hate in you.

mothpete said...

Is mr X, the guy who has the 'hate Jesus' blog? Or is this a satire site by that same guy...?

I wish there was a Why I hate Mothrust blog. This is too funny. I hate Jesus because he hates fig trees. Fig trees are plants man. Plants. Don't hate on plants.

Robert Madewell said...

Pilgrim said to Mr.X, "I appreciate your standing on Christ, and can only pray with you and hope with you. Let us build up one another in exhortation and peace, my friend, and continue to present the good news of our risen Lord without spot and blemish, even as He is and as we are to be."

Mr. X responded, "I do think it's a bit sad that you're trying to attack my attack."

Mr. X, that is an attack? That was the nicest criticism I have ever heard and you call it an attack. I really don't consider criticism as attacks. Even the not so nice kind.

Also, what business does a christian (or atheist) have in hating someone? Hate is such a strong reaction.

tinkbell13 said...

It is interesting.... Everyone has the right to free speech. Until, it interferes with their personal religious beliefs. I find many of the Right Winged Christian speech extremely offensive, but I support their right to have those views.

Two words- Bigot and Hypocrite.